Alice Detwiler
Birth date:
12 JUL 1900
Birth place:
Woodbury, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
Death date:
  6 FEB 1978
Death place:
  , , ,

Detwiler Family

Father: George E. Detwiler
Mother: Minnie Horner
Spouse: Charles G. Johnson
Clarence Detwiler
Cyrus Detwiler
Nancy M. Detwiler
Sherman Detwiler
Nelson Detwiler
Alice Detwiler
Marie Johnson
George Warden Johnson
Roy A. Johnson
Evelyn Johnson
Clifford Johnson
Richard Clyde Johnson
Bernard Johnson
Franklin Johnson
James E. Johnson
Paul Johnson
(Third Daughter of Alice and Charles G. Johnson) Johnson
(Fourth Daughter of Alice and Charles G. Johnson) Johnson
Clarence W. Johnson
Living Johnson
Living Johnson